The Game of Boxes Videos & Resouces - Jan 2023
On certain days during the Game of Boxes, we share specific videos. These are designed to stimulate thought, let you know something, or help you keep on track.
We post them all in the Facebook Group, but if you don't do Facebook, or you'd like them in one place. Here they are.
Welcome to The Game of Boxes
Accountability Buddy & Tell Your Friends To Join The Game of Boxes!
Finding you way around the Facebook Group
This was recorded using the May 2022 group, but the set up is the same for this game.
The Game of Boxes PlaySheet to record all your spending
To make it super easy, I've given you a direct link to download the Playsheet. Just click on the Blue Button and save the Playsheet.
Do you need to play the Amnesty Card?
If you do, play it now... and head over to FaceBook
Your future self will thank you and there's absolutely no judgement just admiration. Welcome home.
I'm Stuck In A Box - Is the money getting to be uncomfortable for you?
Are you starting to feel uncomfortable with the amount of money heading your way? Here's a short (and uncomfortable) video I made to explore this.
Share what's going on for you... what boxes are being challenged, if any...